From Shared Space in the ClassRoom To Shared LiFe in the Public Space

About the Approach
It is our understanding that in order to cope as adults with the challenges of living together in a diverse society, we must first of all learn to share the classroom and school space respectfully and fairly, internalizing the values of equality and consideration that will accompany us in the future.
We believe that in order to bring about a sustainable change of perception, there is a need for systematic work by school principals, student councils and the communities in which schools operate.
Windows' educational staff is equipped to offer schools its models of systematic work and to accompany them over time.

the Training Programs
We believe that in order to achieve a shared life based on the values of democracy and equality, it is necessary, among other things, to enrich the tools that help teachers respond constructively to classroom situations such as hatred, racism, exclusion and even violence.
There is also a need to strengthen teachers' ability to develop and operate bi-national encounter programs that enable sincere coping with the complex reality of our lives here.
It is our understanding that in order for the school's staff to be able to educate towards a respectful and fairly shared life, it must first deal with its own feelings and attitudes towards social diversity, develop awareness of the causes and expressions of these emotions, and develop a broad vision that enables acceptance of differences.

who is windows
"Windows – Channels for Communication" is a bi-national association working since 1991 that promotes sincere dialogue between the two sides of the conflict in order to promote a fair solution based on the values of democracy, equality and human rights.
Windows' programs are mainly long-term and media-based educational programs for Arab/ Jewish, Israeli/Palestinian youth. The programs include the use of media and journalism such as the creation of independent media that reflects the process, while being emotionally supported all along.
Since the 1990s, the Hebrew-Arabic magazine "Windows" has shared these stories to schools and youth centers, when possible, with workshops that enable coping with content.
"One of the powerful experiences I had at Windows was being part of a group that encounters disagreement and deals with it."